Volunteer engineers, bike techs & students build the bikes in the morning and then the children arrive in the afternoon to get fitted by volunteer occupational and physical therapists. Adjustments are made and the children can take the bikes home! It’s an amazing day!
Video below: Bike Clinic at Morgan State University – Fall 2022)
Families submit requests along with a video of the child walking or riding a bike from school (below). Virtual meetings are held to gather measurements and medical information and to determine customization. Once given the thumbs up by both of our approval committees, we are ready to order parts and build the bike. We also supply a helmet – to match the new, cool, head-turning bike!

Bike Clinics/home builds are special opportunities for volunteers with limited time and for children and adults with disabilities who are unable to ride a standard bicycle. Many smiles and tears of joy!

Volunteers: Experienced Engineers, Bike Techs, PTs, OTs & Novices: If you have 2-4 hours to help build or custom fit bikes, we’d love to see you there. Sign-up by calling: 443.320.4007 or vme@imagemd.org
Who qualifies for our bike clinics?

- Must be 10-21 years old
- Must weigh at least 65 lbs. — and not more than 175lbs.
- Must be able to do at least a 1/2 pedal rotation
- Must be able to grip a handlebar
- Must be able to sit upright
- Be able to make “stop & go” decisions on their own (even if accompanied)
If your child does not qualify for the Bike Clinic or you cannot afford our reduced fee, give us a call anyway. Let’s talk about options so we can get your child riding! 443.320.4007