The IMAGE Center of Maryland is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation,
We need and welcome your donations.
Make Regular Contributions
If you would like to make regular contributions to the IMAGE center, subscribe to our monthly donation plan to donate. Your donations are what make our work possible.
Donate by check
The IMAGE Center
300 East Joppa Road, Suite 312
Towson, MD 21286
Via Workplace Giving
The IMAGE Center is a proud participant in the Maryland Charity Campaign for Maryland employees and retirees. We are also part of the annual United Way of Central Maryland workplace giving campaign. You can find us by searching our full name, Independent Marylanders Achieving Growth through Empowerment. Ask if your employer will match your donations or volunteer hours!
In a will or trust
If you would like to remember the IMAGE center in your will or trust consult with your attorney and financial planner. Please send a copy of your intent to the IMAGE center. We can also provide a letter of intent form upon request.
Suggested language:
Article Special Bequest,
I give and bequest to Independent Marylanders Achieving Growth Through Empowerment, Inc., also known as The IMAGE Center for People with Disabilities, the full sum of (dollar amount in words and numbers), for its unrestricted use and purpose.
If you would prefer to give a portion of your estate such as twenty-five percent, simply insert that wording. We are available to consult about targeted bequests for specific services at your convenience.
It is through gifts like yours that we are able to help future generations establish meaningful lives.
If you would like to see nonprofit status and financial information for the IMAGE Center, go to