Accessible Assistive Technology Resources Bridges Blog Financial Resources Independent Living Resources Series: Diving Into December 2021

Diving Into December: Organizing Your Wallet

As we enter December, we reflect on the previous year and begin to set goals for the swiftly approaching New Year. December is a great time to get organized to be ready for all that the holiday season and the New Year has to offer, so get excited to dive into these topics with us […]

Accessible Assistive Technology Resources Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Employment Resources Series: Next Steps November 2021

Next Steps November: Note-taking

It’s November, and the leaves aren’t the only things changing. We settled into the school routine, and the holiday season is gearing up. November is a great time to create bridges between our current realities and the futures we seek, so these are the topics we will explore this month: November 2: Navigating (Your Future) […]

Accessible Assistive Technology Resources Bridges Blog Independent Living Resources Orientation and Mobility Series: Orientation October 2021

Useful Apps for Reading Signage, Purchasing Transit Tickets, and Getting Transit Scheduling Information

Using Technology for the Details When traveling with a white cane, individuals have many techniques that they use to obtain the information they need to go where they want to go. A summary of these techniques can be found in last week’s post, Useful Apps for Navigation: Google Maps and Blind Square. At the Bridges […]

Accessible Assistive Technology Resources Bridges Blog Series: Orientation October 2021

Useful Apps for Navigation: Google Maps and Blind Square

Techniques for Travel When a person travels using their white cane, they have lots of techniques for learning a new environment and exploring their surroundings at their disposal. Asking questions of passersby such as clarifying which block a destination is on, asking what intersection one is standing at, or inquiring which building is next to […]

Accessible Assistive Technology Resources Advocacy Resources Bridges Blog Educational Resources Employment Resources Series: Self-advocacy September 2021

Self-advocacy September: Making PDF Documents Accessible

PDF documents are widely used in schools and in employment, but all PDFs are not created equal in terms of accessibility for blind/low vision individuals. This week, the Free Bridges Helpdesk explores PDF documents in terms of self-advocacy for accessibility. What are PDFs, and why do we use them? PDF documents are both common and […]